Bulletin of Psychological Type, 1993
Элизабет МЁРФИ
Elisabeth MURPHY
Ed.D, M.Ed. has an Ed.D. degree in educational psychology and an M.Ed. degree in special education. She is an accomplished educator and consultant who now maintains a private practice in Texas and serves as a consultant for educational institutions.
Elizabeth is co-author of the highly regarded Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) and the author and co-author of several books on the MMTIC, elementary education and child development, among them The Developing Child, I am a Good Teacher, A Teacher's Guide to Type, MMTIC Manual and Make Them Reach When You Teach but Test for the Best . She has also contributed to journals and bulletins about the MMTIC and related topics.
She is a member of the Association for Psychological Type (APT), Association of School Psychologists and the Texas Psychologist Association. She served on the international MBTI ® Research Advisory Board for three years and is currently the Education Interest Area Coordinator for APT. In 1987, Elizabeth won the Isabel Briggs Myers Memorial Award for dissertation research related to the field of psychological type, and in 1993 the Gordon Lawrence Award for contributions to type in education.
Психологический тип: INFP.